Sunday 28 October 2012

The Sun Will Rise Tomorrow - Managing Stress


Stress can be physical or psychological, it's a healthy reaction, it's meant to warn you that something is wrong and needs putting right.

You have a choice...
React to stress or deal with stress constructively. Focus on solutions and not the problem.

If you can...Laugh it off, a simple but effective technique.
Learn to relax, through meditation, breathing, listening to calming music, walking in nature, get some fresh air.

Expend your negative tension through physical exercise.

Talk to a friend or family member - you'll be surprised how quickly your problems disappear when you share them with others.

Time Out - Distance yourself from situation if you can.
Self talk - Tell yourself...Everything in life will pass. The sun will rise tomorrow.

Remember you can control your actions but you can not control others, so don't hold onto unrealistic expectations.

Be assertive, avoid getting into stressful situations.
Write everything down everything that is causing you stress, break it up into smaller problems that you can deal with easily.

Distraction - watch a movie, distract yourself from the situation causing stress, but remember, when the movie finishes, the problem will return, albeit in lesser effect.
Nobody likes feeling stressed or uncomfortable with the way they deal with situations. Picture a big red button in your mind, this button has "change"written on it, see yourself hitting this button when you want to change your reaction to a stressful situation.

Think of yourself in a helicopter, as you rise you see your timeline, think, how important this situation is to the rest of your life, is this going to last or will it pass. What is really important in my life.
Learn to accept that nothing in life stays the same, we're in a constant state of flux.

Mushroom effect - If a mushroom is picked from a plot of land, in time the remaining mushrooms occupy the space. Once you have solved your problem, don't look for another stressful situation to take the place of the old one. Some people will also grow into or feel the need to be in another stressful situation.
If you are not prepared to change your behaviour...nothing will change, you will remain stressed.

Anger and stress is easier to hold on to but are negative and will therefore attract negativity towards you.

When trying to solve your problems, start from where you are, i.e. don't just think of a stress free life in the future, ask yourself how are you going to achieve this, what steps do you need to take now to make this happen.

Use NLP techniques if you have the know how and picture yourself in the future and look back at how you dealt with the issue and if you're not happy with the associated feelings, think how you would have liked to deal with it and what outcomes you achieved.

Don't own other people's problems, you deal with yours, and let others deal with their own problems.

Remember - You are the source and solution. (How many fingers are pointing back at you when you point the finger of blame?) See How Many Fingers Are Pointing Back At You -

Not making decisions is one of the commonest causes of stress on a day to day basis
Remember, stress comes from the consequence and not the decision making, i.e. when you are given a choice and there are no associated negative consequences, then there is no stress in the choice, however, if you are given a choice, lets say between two sweets, and one sweet has an ingredient that you are allergic to, the possible negative consequence is what will cause you tension and stress. Choose to stop suffering and then deal with the consequence

Learn how the mind works, and take control of it. Further reading and self development, consider "The Chimp Paradox" by Dr Steve Peters. Click on the link below.

The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence and Happiness